I have always loved to write but have gotten distracted many times. I have been blogging every day for 230 days. This morning, I read the daily prompt and felt unsure of what I wanted to say. So I started writing, and I found out. I don't know what works, but doing stuff sure does work.

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Love this: "I started writing, and I found out." Thanks Susan!

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I'll be honest—when I first figured out there was no rulebook to life, I was devastated. I was always a straight-A student, and rules & structure were the best way I knew how to succeed & to feel accomplished. It took me a while to find comfort in knowing that I might never know what I was doing or where I was going. It's been a joy to figuring it out thus far!

It's almost liberating, in a way, to understand that no one knows what they're doing, or "what works." We're all just here trying our best, & attaining small glimpses of clarity to inform our own processes along the way.

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Thank you Taylor!

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This resonates with me although at 58 you'd have thought I'd of grown out of it by now! I still (without even realising it) want the 'safety' of those rules... if you do this.. then that. Life would be far simpler but also boring 😅

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You and me both. I like rules and structure, but then I see other people doing their own thing. Not following the rules. How dare they? 😂😂😂

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I had what I call a whirlwind attack yesterday. It's this vortex of doubt and uncertainty that seems to come out of nowhere. These storms used to cripple me but now I know that they are my weather patterns, and that they pass. When they do, my vision is always much clearer. Your post validates this in so many ways. Thank you!

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Jun 16Liked by Dan Blank

"These storms are my weather patterns and they pass" -- I love this, Susan!

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Great to hear — thank you Susan!

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My god I needed this today - THANK YOU! 🙏🏽 Really love this phrase and going to add it to my toolbox.

One phrase I continue coming back to is, “just f*ck around and find out.” It reminds me to not take it all so seriously - and to approach the publish button with more play!

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Thank you Avani!!!

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I keep creating and sharing in the hopes that one person will need to hear what I have to say. That, and because we are not guaranteed any amount of time in life so I’d better act today!

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Yes! Thanks Paige.

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I’ve refocused my morning routine to do exactly this: just create. Before I check the news, before I start preparing for my day (okay, but after a cup of coffee),

I just show up to create. Write a micro essay. Design a floral arrangement. Capture something in a photograph. And every single day I ask myself, “Where this is going?” And then I carry on and create.

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Nice! Thank you Betsy!

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Thanks for the constant reminders to keep going even when we have no idea if what we are doing will ever work. My personal touch point is a small sign on my desk that says “If your dreams don’t scare you they’re not big enough” Thanks for reminding all of us to keep our dreams alive!

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Thank you Bruce!

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Thank you so much for this Dan. I am about to do something quite new for me and feel out of my depth. Your post was just the right thing for me to read!

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Awe, thank you Emma! Good luck with what you are working on!

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Jun 22Liked by Dan Blank

I love this although I'm very stuck with the "sharing stuff" part. I haven't really figured out what I want to say and it holds me back but I do know I want to share, why and how I'd like people to respond. Maybe that's the starting point...?

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That is indeed the starting point! I have processes I use at this stage — Clarity Cards, and then Key Messages. I have a Clarity Cards program starting in July if that helps, but loads of info in my archives too. Thanks!

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"You really have no idea what's going to connect with other people." This is true. Also don't write thinking about what your readers want. Be authentic. When you're feeling blocked just start writing anything for 5 minutes. Even if it's your name 100 times. Something will come. My newsletter is called stream unconsciousness. There's always something right beneath the surface. Also be consistent. Write something every day. Thanks for your inspirational post! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Thanks Sabrina!

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My biggest risk i.e. would it work? I wrote a long poetic Eliot- & Beckett-inspired monologue and volunteered to perform it at a Theatre Festival in 2023. About 37 minutes. Some open mics, but I'd never acted before. It was a smash! Doing it again in 2 weeks!!

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That’s great to hear Ian — congratulations!

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Ship it as Seth Godin would say 😎

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Indeed! Thanks Miranda.

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Energy goes where energy is invited!

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Indeed! Thanks Cathy.

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Not doing stuff doesn’t work. 🤣🌸

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Yes! Thanks Alice.

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I spy @Jennie Nash!

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YES!!! Legend!

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What keeps me creating and sharing? The feeling that my time is not unlimited and that I have wasted too much time not creating for one reason or another, time, self doubt, distractions of everyday life, stops and starts. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by creating and sharing. Even if it scares me to death sometimes to push "Publish" or "Share" If not now, when? I am reminded of a saying I heard from Wayne Dyer "Don't die with your music still inside you."

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Thank you Doreen!

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