Dan, your timing for this program is perfect! I recently started my own Substack newsletter so working on building an audience and having meaningful conversations my ideal readers is a focus right now. I’ve seen your pyramid for years, though never tackled it in a serious way. I’m far along on my third novel and would like to publish next year. Working through the topics you outlined are a real need for me right now and having both guidance and a core group to engage with is fantastic!

As for my three words, Engagement, Excitement, and Connection.

Thank you and I’m really looking forward to both your program and engaging with others going it through it too.

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Thanks so much Bruce!

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Marketing scares the heck out of me. I think I've had almost instinctive disdain for it, because it went against how I was raised. Never draw attention to yourself, never be proud. Well, I definitely absorbed the exact opposite of those messages. Now that I'm serious about writing my book and publishing it, I recognize the importance of marketing, but I am still afraid. So to answer your question: I'd like to feel less afraid of what people think. Okay, that's not three.

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Me too!

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Thank you Rafia!

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Hi Dan, I appreciate your approach, notes, and articles because your value messages are clear. While I have a couple of decades of experience in marketing and strategy, it was brand-focused, not communications or publishing. So, I'm investing in an annual subscription and looking forward to learning from you and others in the Creative Shift community to advance Carer Mentor's mission. Small but important question - as I'm based in the UK and have unpredictable hours (caregiving), will any curriculum materials, talks/videos, etc be available as recordings to watch anytime? I already have your book.

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Thank you Victoria! Yes, for the exclusive series I am doing for paid subscribers, it will be available anytime to view/read. That starts on Tuesday Sept 10th.

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Brilliant, Thanks, Dan. I'm looking forward to it.


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A good plan, Dan, and certainly worthwhile for anyone wanting to improve, grow and succeed. The questions provide lot of food for further consideration, exploration and discovery. I had to chuckle quietly to myself when I came to this "Get 30% off your subscription if you redeem this offer by Tuesday September 3rd." I had just posted "Economic Imperatives" and while it fits my descriptions, your intentions to help writers are clear and admirable. I'm confident you'll have many sign up and I would too if I weren't already stretched to my limit for the next several months.

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Thank you Gary!

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Sep 4Liked by Dan Blank

Thanks for the inspiration, Dan! I’m not a writer, but am working towards a new career as a health and wellness coach. All of this — marketing, branding and sharing with my potential client base — is on the horizon, so best to start thinking about it now. My three words: inspired, aligned, energized.

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Thank you Brenda!!!

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My three words for how I want to feel about sharing my writing and connecting with readers: natural, enthusiastic, brave.

I've been on Substack since October, writing about my experiences in the sandwich generation -- supporting aging parents and my special young adult son. I'm ready to expand my reach and engagement with readers and am looking forward to taking your course. Signing up in a moment ... thank you for offering a discounted rate!

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Thank you Sarah!!!!

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Perfect timing, Dan! Eager and excited to follow along this fall!

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Thank you Kristine!

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Connected, purposeful and encouraging. As always, you are doing incredible work here for everyone!

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Thanks Charlene!

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The series sounds fun. ☀️

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Ok, hitting the upgrade link :) Also excited to be signed up for your Author Platform webinar in Sept. with @JaneFriedman. Three words for how I want to feel when sharing my writing and connecting with readers: invigorated, excited, helpful.

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Thank you Stephanie!

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Three words: natural, ease, delight!

(Thank you for the discount! It really means a lot!)

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Thanks Quinn!

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Just launched my Substack last week. I have done SO much to figure this out over the years and I tend to make things harder than they need to be...really looking forward to you putting it all together!

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Yay! Thanks.

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Public Speaking as Marketing is what I feel confident doing.

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Thanks Laura!

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3 words:

Personal, engaging and uplifting.

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Thank you Maria!

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This program sounds great, Dan...looking forward to participating! Even updated a clarity card to reflect this new project👍

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Yay! Thanks Maria!

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Excited, brave and proud.

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