Physical index cards are great, but there’s a decent cellphone equivalent for iPhone, called CardBeat — try it!

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Thanks for the suggestion Patrick!

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I'm downloading that app now. Thanks for the recommendation!

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Jun 21Liked by Dan Blank

Looking forward to this! I've done a lot of this work over the past year, as I'm in the middle of a career pivot. So I see your Clarity Cards as an opportunity to work within a system/process to "get there" more efficiently, effectively and with accountability. I'm not a writer, but I am a creative person (20 years as a photographer with my own business and a dance teacher before that), but am now moving into health and wellness coaching and hope to have my certification completed by this time next year. Clarifying what matters most is the first step in the process of achieving one's goals. I've been following you, Dan, for a couple of months and everything resonates with me both personally and as a future coach -- I just wanted to let you know that!

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Wow — thank you Brenda! Great to hear about your journey, and I sooooooo appreciate your kind words!

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What a great idea, Dan! I remember participating in your Slack Mastermind community years ago and doing my own clarity cards. It's stunning to see one of the original cards you wrote for yourself that has now happened.

Something similar happened to me about a month ago when I was writing an article for my own Substack: I was sifting through some scrap books my mom had made me that included all of my "best" (according to her) art and writing from elementary and middle school.

One school project involved a report in which we were to share what we learned about the Boston Tea Party. Instead of drafting a typical typed summary, I created a mock newspaper with "articles" about each topic pertaining to the subject we'd studied.

One article was a mock interview with a published author, and when I read what I wrote, it was obvious I had written about myself - my goals, my dreams, what I wanted to become when I was an adult! And I didn't realize it at the time.

Clarity and community are powerful when we combine them with our creative inspiration. I'm grateful for the work I did with you a few years ago and am grateful you are still sharing these ideas with your community here!

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Thank you for sharing that story — and for all of your support Jeannie!

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Jun 21Liked by Dan Blank

This certainly sounds like something I could use, however I am a visual artist. Transitioning to this singular role after a long career teaching art in public schools is daunting, so prioritizing my work and promoting it is now my "job". I've spent far too many faculty meetings and workshops designed for "more academic" teachers (don't get me started), so I wonder if this is truly more of a writer's workshop, or is it an easy carry over to someone in another creative field? Certainly don't want you to work harder to make that fit.

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Mary, I am a writer but also an artist. I wondered about this course but thought if it brings clarity, it can bring clarity to any passion we have. So I'm in. Hope to see you there.

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Hi Mary! The Clarity Card workshop is absolutely beneficial to visual artists and other creative fields. Hope you can join us!

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Hi Dan,

I've done something similar in relation to my novel writing and the cards are taped to the glass front of the cabinet that is beside my desk. They help me with the direction of my plot and characters. The cards also serve as pointers to aspects that I've not explored yet. I also have a digital version which I use for my novel and other writing.

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Nice! Thanks Lorna.

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I’ve used clarity cards for the last couple of years and found the process to be really beneficial. It forced me to think through everything I have going on in my life and to honestly prioritize. It also stopped me from doing everything at once and focusing on the critical few. Even though I just did this last December, I’d like to go through the 3 week program as I retired a couple of months ago and my life has changed considerably. Still lots to get used to and figure out about my new reality.

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Thank you Bruce!!!

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This is exciting, Dan! I'm in. I did the Clarity Card process in your book and look forward to even greater clarity and connecting with others in the Chat. Thank you! Creative Clarity challenge: being so close to my work that I don't really know what it is. Life Clarity challenge: responding to the moment vs. prioriitizing for the long term.

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Thank you Phyllis! Those challenges resonate.

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This would be wonderful IF I were in a space where it’s doable. I’m not. I’m at my Canadian cabin 3 miles by boat remote. I love clarity cards and have a deck I invented called Esteem Architecture 20 years ago. You are right on it!!

Later I’ll reconnect.

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Thanks Jill!

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I'm looking forward to joining this! I can always use more clarity, especially since I can get easily distracted by other things going on in my life.

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Yay! Thanks Doreen.

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Love your clarity cards! And love this week’s family shots too.

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Thank you Teyani!

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Hi, Dan and others. I am Elizabeth Newdom, an adjunct English professor for over a decade, a writer, and an editor for Literary Mama. I have been personally stuck for a while, wanting to make a change to something more creative and lucrative. And so tired of the adjunct grind. Thanks! Look forward to working with you all.

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Thank you for sharing this Elizabeth and joining us for Clarity Cards!

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Your mum! Love it!

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Awe, thank you Mary!

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Hi Dan. This is just what I need right now as I flail around in a mental fog with multiple projects. I've even found a stack of coloured index cards in the depths of my 'office supplies' cupboard!

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Yay! Thank you Valerie!

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Dan, this couldn't come at a better time for me! I've been floundering with too many projects and hope the clarity cards help me separate the wheat from the chaff. Looking forward to the challenge!

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Yay! Thanks Lynn.

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Thanks for this. I was going to do this anyway as I just read your book so it will be nice to have the guidance. My son just graduated from 8th grade too. Congrats!

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Great timing! And congratulations on your son’s graduation Maryann!

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Great story. Clarity works and not always easy to nail — that one thing that moves everything else with it.

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Thank you Prajna! And so true.

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